Sunday, October 27, 2013

update on me

Man, I'm ashamed at how long it has been since I checked in. Life has a way of changing your plans. lol. Well just for personal accountability I want to post my goals for the rest of this year and going into next year, for whatever I don't accomplish by December 31st.
More family prayer, and personal prayer time daily

Marriage/ family:
date night
family nights
making sure we take a family vacation yearly, and a mommy and daddy vacation yearly
baby girl is officially sleeping through the night in her crib (yay!) so I have more couple time, and time to myself

gym 3 days a week
I have dance class once a week
get to first goal weight of 145

deep condition weekly
maintain Mohawk with regular haircuts

keep my eyebrows done
shave, mani and pedi, and a facial weekly
find a good mommy make up routine

style (fall and winter)
get wrap dresses, dress pants, and jeans altered
get brown tall flat boots
black/ brown booties
skinny jeans
long sleeved tees
chunky sweaters
long cardigans
leggings and fitted tees for lounging around the house
cute workout clothes
pretty bras, and more pretty underwear

get on cleaning schedule
start to decorate the house cheaply and with things we already have
organize baby toys
get ready for holidays

get on solid cooking and grocery shopping schedule
make new dishes a few times a month
make a weekly dessert

stop living paycheck to paycheck
catch up on bills
start to save some money
change the time on some bills
keep looking for ways to lower bills or increase money
keep looking for a good side hustle
keep job hunting
build our credit scores (want to sell this house and buy a bigger house in 2.5-3 years)

I have a whole other list of goals for baby girl that I'm working on right now:
sleeping through the night in crib (check!)
lots of floor time to keep practicing standing and eventually walking (shes right on the edge!)
baby proof the house
using baby tooth brush
keep giving her sippy cup a few times a day (to get ready for that transition to whole milk in a few months)
stay close to daycare schedule on the weekends and holidays
using castor oil on her hair nightly
babying and growing hair
look into swimming lessons
start planning Christmas
start planning her birthday

More immediate stuff I'm working on:
baby's Halloween costume
black Friday shopping
family pictures
and decorating for Christmas

We are going to have a real low key Thanksgiving. We were considering going out of town, but since we are not. then we will do the family thing on thanksgiving day, do some black Friday shopping, and spend the rest of the weekend decorating for Christmas, taking our family pictures, hanging out, and getting ready for the dance show.

I will probably make more posts about how baby is growing (9 months on Tuesday!), what we will wear for family photos and poses, Christmas shopping, and Christmas décor. Oh, also baby's birthday, and I'm starting to think about vacation ideas

Sorry this was so long, I just needed to do this brain dump.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Weight Loss

Well I am doing my weekly check in. I definitely see some progress. I have lost 4.5 pounds and lost 2.5 inches off my natural waist and 1 inch off my C-section pooch. This is with us just doing no carbs, we had a cheat day and I ate a burger one day (shhhh don't tell D lol) still drinking sodas, and no working out. I am very pleased. This week we will continue doing no/low carbs, only water (with crystal lite), and I will start going to the gym this week also.
My stats are below:

Weight: 163, 158.5, 164.5, 160
Left Bicep:12.5, 12, 11.5, 12
Right Bicep: 12.5, 12.5, 11.5, 12
Chest: 41, 38,40, 40,
Ribcage: 32, 30.5, 34, 32
Natural waist: 34, 33, 36, 33.5
Pooch (lower belly): 34, 33, 36 35
Hips: 41, 42, 42 42
Left Thigh: 25.5, 25, 25, 24.5
Right Thigh: 26, 26, 24, 25

Monday, August 12, 2013

Weight Loss

Ok I am going to go back to monitoring my weight loss. Hubby is on board with me, and we are doing no carbs for the next few weeks. I haven't decided if we are doing no carbs for the next 4 weeks, or doing no carbs for 2 and then having low carbs some days for the next two. we will see when we get there. My only problem is making sure that D has enough to eat. he works a physical outdoor job and will be in the studio starting next month, and I don't want him to get sick or anything. Our menu for this week is baked chicken breasts and broccoli, and tilapia and asparagus or string beans. I'm going to do salads for lunch, and for snacks we will have trail mix, fruit, and cucumbers (D loves those). I haven't figured out when we will exercise yet. Maybe we can do some walks in the evening this week.
I don't really have a goal weight in mind. I'm thinking maybe around 130-135 but we will see. Its mainly about look and how my clothes fit. I'm pretty much at my pre-pregnancy weight, but my measurements are not the same. My stats are below: first is where I was at before I starting trying to lose weight in May (5/1/12) of last year before I found out I was pregnant. Second are my stats for the last weigh in I had when working out (5/14/12). And lastly in red are my current stats as of today.

Weight: 163, 158.5, 164.5
Left Bicep:12.5, 12, 11.5
Right Bicep: 12.5, 12.5, 11.5
Chest: 41, 38, 40
Ribcage: 32, 30.5, 34
Natural Waist: 34, 33, 36
Pooch (lower belly): 34, 33, 36
Hips: 41, 42, 42
Left Thigh: 25.5, 25, 25
Right Thigh: 26, 26, 24

I will be checking back in next week Monday to update my stats.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

6 Month Update

Wow! its been about 6 months since I have updated on here. So much has happened with us. I have updates on myself, and baby Isabella.
everything is going good with the house. Everything is going good with D and I. We had some rough spots while we were trying to get in our groove as new parents, but it's pretty much smooth sailing now.
Isabella has brought so much joy to our lives. I know its cliche but I never thought I could love someone so much. She is hilariously funny, beautiful, so so smart, stubborn (like her daddy, lol), independent, inquisitive, and so sweet, and cuddly. She just turned 6 months officially on July 29th. I still can't believe I have a 6 month old baby! Some of the best advice I have been given was" follow your instincts". this has saved me money, stress, and worry. I have proven to myself over and over again, that I do know what I am doing and that I instinctively know what is best for my daughter.
Stats: 6 months, 3 days
16 pounds 14.5 ounces
27 inches long
head circumference 42.5
She still sleeps in the bed with us. I love snuggling with her but mama has got to get her bed (and her groove) back. lol. So I will be starting to put her to bed in her crib.
She has a pretty good bedtime routine which includes a bath, lotion rub down, and bottle. I want to incorporate reading a story to her at bedtime also.
She is in daycare and loves her teachers. I am working on giving her some playtime when she gets home in the afternoons. So we are either going on a walk, running errands, or going home to play and do tummy time.
feeding: she wants to eat everything! She drinks about 5 ounces of milk every 2 hours. She has also started on baby food. So far I make all her baby food myself. She has eaten sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, carrots, and peaches. She loves sweet potatoes, squash, and peaches. She tolerates carrots. lol. And absolutely hates green beans.  Next up is green peas and we move on to fruit. She eats baby food at daycare and most evenings. Once I start fruit, I'm going to give her some baby food for breakfast also. her pediatrician says that she can start eating meat, but I will buy the baby food for that. I don't think I want to puree meat. lol.
milestones: sitting up, she has graduated to sitting in the big part of the stroller, the high chair at restaurants, and the buggy in stores. I have a high chair cover that we use in restaurants and stores that has toys attached to it. she loves that thing.  She can also rollover from tummy to back, she hasn't quite mastered rolling the other way yet, but she is close. she babbles and talks all day long. She loves playing with her toys and turning them over and over in her hands. she can get up on her hands and knees and rock, but no forward movement yet. she scoots backwards though. No teeth yet, although I think they are coming any day now. I can see the imprint of them in her gums.
Isabella is wearing size 6 or 9 months in onsies and size 9 months in pants, she is on the edge of being in size 12 month pants though. my girl is going to be tall! She's also in size 2 diapers, but once I finish this box, I'm going to mover her up to size 3's.
Its about time to start researching baby proofing and to research convertible car seats.

Everything is going great, trying to decide on when and where we are going to go on our first family vacation. I'm so looking forward to that. Finances are finally getting in order, and we are working on getting miss Izzy in a daycare closer to our house.

Everything is great with me. I'm still working on getting our house organized and purging out old stuff, but its coming along. I cut my hair back into the Mohawk I had when I first went natural. I miss my hair a lot sometimes, but I honestly did not have time to do hair. Now I wish that I had just kept it braided or wore wigs, but oh well. I still love it, it is very much wash-n-go hair. I will grow it back though, I may start growing it around the time Izzy turns one. I will probably do  series of posting about that.
Its weight loss time again. I got to about 200 pounds by the end of my pregnancy, and now I am back to my weight that I was before I started working out. So now its time to get it together. my goal is not really a certain weight, its more to get the look that I want. So I weight about 164 now. I want to start by losing about 24 pounds to get to 140 and then see where I want to go from there. I'm going to give myself until the end of October to get there. I will do another post with my stats and weight loss plan.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Baby is here!

Hey peeps! As the title baby is here! She was born on 1/29 at 8:29 am. She was a whopping 8 pounds 1 ounce, 21 inches and a head full of curly hair! i never made it to my induction date, and i did end up with a c-section, but that's another story for later. i haven't had much time to get online. lil mama is laying on my chest right now while i type one handed. lol. i will try to come back later with my birth story and updates on us. we are tired, happy, and feel very blessed. Love ya!

Monday, January 28, 2013

quick update

Just running in here really quick to update and say that I have an induction date! If she doesn't come before then, I will go in on Sunday to be induced and then have the actual induction on Monday! I'm still hoping she comes on her own before then, but at least I have an end date in sight. I'm so excited. My last day of work is gonna be Wednesday, so I will have appointments on Thursday and then i will do any last minute things on Friday. and then relax on Saturday before our 5 year wedding anniversary on Saturday night!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Baby Updates

Sigh........ I'm still here. No baby yet. She is hanging on to my ribs for dear life. lol. I have had two had 2 doctor's appointments and at both I have been told that my cervix is soft but that I am not dilated at all. Sigh, I have another appointment tomorrow and my due date is saturday. If I am dilated any tomorrow, then they will induce me that day. If I'm not dilated tomorrow then my doctor will schedule an induction date for next week. I'm just ready for Izzy to come now. I have done everything I could possibly think of. I have had sex, eaten pineapples, walked, done squats, got a pedicure. NADA! when I'm walking i feel pain and pressure and contraction like symptoms, but once I lay down for the night, they go away. Maybe I should try them all at the same time. go walking, then have sex and eat pineapples afterwards. lol Everything is prepared for baby girl. Her room is 100% complete, carseat installed, bags packed and in trunk, house clean, everything. The only thing i need to do is do some grocery shopping, and do more laundry again. I am really hoping that my last day of work is friday. I would prefer to go into labor sometime today, or be told that they are inducing me tomorrow.

How Far Along? 39 weeks 6days (week 40) only 2 more days left!

Symptoms: sleepy, sleepy, sleepy. I'm always tired now. It still hurts to get in and out of bed, and I am having alot more braxton hicks but no real consistent contractions.I think I've dropped (thats what I've been told), but I can't really tell cause she has always been low to me.  

Total Weight Gain: I'm up to 196. hopefully since I'm at the very end, I wont gain anymore.

Measurement: I am measuring at 45 inches :(
Maternity Clothes: I am in full maternity wear. except maternity underwear. I refuse to wear those.

Stretch Marks: Well I have offically lost the battle with stretch marks. SInce my belly grew so fast in these last few weeks, I now have some on either side of my belly button. Im not too worried though, cause they don't look too bad, and its not a whole lot of them. I have heard that Bio oil works miracles, so I will be picking some up after I have baby to see if that helps any.

Sleep: As I said in the section about my symptoms, I am sleepy all the time now. Im too anxious to sleep now!

Food Cravings: I still love toast, and simply orange juice with mango

Best Moment This Week: Getting everything complete for baby

Movement: All day long. I feel more pushing, stretching, and rolling movements, but she still gets some good kicks in there. She hiccups alot too. all her movements are much more pronounced now, to the point where hubby can feel her hiccups too! Its weird cause since she is head down, i feel the hiccups in my pelvis cause that's where she likes to wedge her head at. lol She's so sometimey though. she really only moves for me and her daddy. Oh and when we are in church. any other time someone comes around trying to feel her move, she stops instantly. lol

Labor Signs: I get contractions when I go walking, but they stop once I have been resting. Other than that, NOTHING

Belly Button In or Out? Total outtie at this point

What I Miss: I really miss sleeping on my back. I miss being intimate with my hubby comfortably (TMI I know), I definitely miss not being in pain at this point. I still love being pregnant, and want my baby to bake as long as possible, but I'm ready to feel like myself again. absolutely nothing has changed here. lol

What I Am Looking Forward To: I'm looking forward to meeting my baby!

Milestones: I guess my milestone would be that i have totally reached 40 weeks of pregnancy.

Weekly Wisdom: No wisdom. At this point just researching inductions and how to manage contractions and labor.